Rabu, 18 Juni 2014


I'm scared, when I want to stay but you start to disappear and not love me anymore.when I want to appreciate the sacrifice of something new I realize but you start to go out of my life. I was very scared when there was a woman who could be making you happy, smiling, laughing very loudly than me. Aku hanya ingin mencintai cinta, cinta yg hanya utuh untuk saya but slowly is lose because we are almost distant journey, maybe we are not too far away. Yea, were still teenagers not understand anything. but believe me, I love you, believe please dudeL. Ya till the end kita gabisa berteu, gabisa saling tertawa mengucapkan hal2 bodoh seperti dahulu but i still love you, i know gue akan ngerasain bosen dan maybe i can for give up, tapi apa daya ini soal perasaan. U changed ketika gue bener2 mau bertahan

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